Thursday, October 24, 2019

Week 1 - INFM 322

Dreamweaver is an excellent application for designing HTML websites.  Chapter 1 focuses on setup and various features that Dreamweaver has to offer.  When I first started coding in HTML Dreamweaver was my go to because it helped me to organize all of the components of my page.  You can sort links, media, css stylesheets, widgets, boxes, dates, ect.  You can also adjust the size of boxes and windows that appear on your page.  The static design option that we use helps to produce a better product in my opinion.  I enjoy being able to tweak different parts of my HTML code and view them through text pad in the virtual desktop before uploading them through the Core FTP.  The "Working with files and folders" section in chapter 2 is extremely important.  Organization of files on the local machine or virtual desktop can make or break your site.  This organization is essential to site images and links coming together as they should.  The section on adding remote server information was eye-opening and will be beneficial in the future.  I'm happy our server information for uploading into Core FTP is already populated.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

INFM 322

I've made great strides since my last landing page and have a much better understanding of HTML sequence and CSS style sheets.  I'm more confident in my abilities to create sites that are more than functional, but also appeal to the user that is navigating the site.  Please leave comments or contact me via email if you comments or suggestions for improvement.  I'm always open to getting better!

Week 6 - INFM 322

I'm embarrassed to say that My Next Lvl website literally fell apart during our evaluation on Thursday in class.  I've put in a lot ...